Every spring, Professor McCormack asks her students in AMER 196 Introduction to American Studies to write an object analysis. As part of this assignment, students must also bring the object – or a photograph of the object – and a museum-style label to Prof. McCormack’s office to be curated into her “Museum of Ordinary Things.”
These exhibits become much more than the sum of their parts. Together, they offer insight into the lives of AMER first-year students, what is important to them, what they cherish, what they fear. They reveal something about how young people feel about childhood, friendships, family, boyfriends and girlfriends, life changes, beloved pets, love and loss.
Everyone is welcome to come view the exhibit in Dr. McCormack’s office, G-115-B, and read the labels that tell the stories of these cherished objects.
Lunchtime is always a good time to stop by. Be sure to visit before students take their objects home!